Baby Toddler apples, Stage 1
Food list
Baby Toddler apples, Stage 2
Baby Toddler bananas, Stage 1
Baby Toddler bananas, Stage 2
Baby Toddler bar
Baby Toddler beef
Baby Toddler beets
Baby Toddler biscuit
Baby Toddler carrots, Stage 1
Baby Toddler carrots, Stage 2
Baby Toddler cereal, barley, dry
Baby Toddler cereal, multigrain with fruit, dry
Baby Toddler cereal, multigrain with fruit, ready-to-eat
Baby Toddler cereal, multigrain, dry
Baby Toddler cereal, multigrain, ready-to-eat
Baby Toddler cereal, NFS
Baby Toddler cereal, oatmeal with fruit, dry
Baby Toddler cereal, oatmeal with fruit, ready-to-eat
Baby Toddler cereal, oatmeal, dry
Baby Toddler cereal, oatmeal, ready-to-eat
Baby Toddler cereal, rice with fruit, dry
Baby Toddler cereal, rice with fruit, ready-to-eat
Baby Toddler cereal, rice, dry
Baby Toddler cereal, rice, ready-to-eat
Baby Toddler chicken
Baby Toddler cookie
Baby Toddler crackers
Baby Toddler crunchies
Baby Toddler food, NFS
Baby Toddler fruit and meat
Baby Toddler fruit and vegetables, Stage 2
Baby Toddler fruit and vegetables, Stage 3
Baby Toddler fruit and vegetables, with grain
Baby Toddler fruit and vegetables, with yogurt
Baby Toddler fruit, NFS
Baby Toddler fruit, vegetables, and meat
Baby Toddler fruit, with grain
Baby Toddler fruit, with yogurt
Baby Toddler green beans, Stage 1
Baby Toddler green beans, Stage 2
Baby Toddler ham
Baby Toddler juice, apple
Baby Toddler juice, fruit and vegetable
Baby Toddler juice, fruit and yogurt blend
Baby Toddler juice, grape
Baby Toddler juice, mixed fruit
Baby Toddler juice, NFS
Baby Toddler juice, pear
Baby Toddler mangoes
Baby Toddler meat stick
Baby Toddler meat, NFS
Baby Toddler multiple fruit, Stage 2
Baby Toddler multiple fruit, Stage 3
Baby Toddler multiple vegetables, Stage 2
Baby Toddler multiple vegetables, Stage 3
Baby Toddler peaches, Stage 1
Baby Toddler peaches, Stage 2
Baby Toddler pears, Stage 1
Baby Toddler pears, Stage 2
Baby Toddler peas, Stage 1
Baby Toddler peas, Stage 2
Baby Toddler prunes
Baby Toddler pudding
Baby Toddler puffs, fruit
Baby Toddler puffs, vegetable
Baby Toddler snack, NFS
Baby Toddler squash, Stage 1
Baby Toddler squash, Stage 2
Baby Toddler sweet potatoes, Stage 1
Baby Toddler sweet potatoes, Stage 2
Baby Toddler turkey
Baby Toddler vegetable, NFS
Baby Toddler vegetables and meat
Baby Toddler vegetables, with grain
Baby Toddler wheels
Baby Toddler yogurt melts
Baby Toddler yogurt, plain
Baby Toddler yogurt, with fruit
Babyfood, apple yogurt dessert, strained
Babyfood, apple-banana juice
Babyfood, apples with ham, strained
Babyfood, apples, dices, toddler
Babyfood, Baby MUM MUM Rice Biscuits
Babyfood, baked product, finger snacks cereal fortified
Babyfood, banana apple dessert, strained
Babyfood, banana juice with low fat yogurt
Babyfood, banana no tapioca, strained
Babyfood, banana with mixed berries, strained
Babyfood, carrots and beef, strained
Babyfood, carrots, toddler
Babyfood, cereal, barley, dry fortified
Babyfood, cereal, barley, prepared with whole milk
Babyfood, cereal, brown rice, dry, instant
Babyfood, cereal, egg yolks and bacon, junior
Babyfood, cereal, high protein, prepared with whole milk
Babyfood, cereal, high protein, with apple and orange, dry
Babyfood, cereal, mixed, dry fortified
Babyfood, cereal, mixed, prepared with whole milk
Babyfood, cereal, mixed, with bananas, dry
Babyfood, cereal, oatmeal, dry fortified
Babyfood, cereal, oatmeal, prepared with whole milk
Babyfood, cereal, oatmeal, with bananas, dry
Babyfood, cereal, oatmeal, with honey, dry
Babyfood, cereal, rice, dry fortified
Babyfood, cereal, rice, prepared with whole milk
Babyfood, cereal, rice, with bananas, dry
Babyfood, cereal, whole wheat, with apples, dry fortified
Babyfood, cereal, with egg yolks, junior
Babyfood, cereal, with egg yolks, strained
Babyfood, cereal, with eggs, strained
Babyfood, cherry cobbler, junior
Babyfood, cookie, baby, fruit
Babyfood, cookies
Babyfood, cookies, arrowroot
Babyfood, corn and sweet potatoes, strained
Babyfood, crackers, vegetable
Babyfood, dessert, banana pudding, strained
Babyfood, dessert, banana yogurt, strained
Babyfood, dessert, blueberry yogurt, strained
Babyfood, dessert, cherry vanilla pudding, junior
Babyfood, dessert, cherry vanilla pudding, strained
Babyfood, dessert, custard pudding, vanilla, junior
Babyfood, dessert, custard pudding, vanilla, strained
Babyfood, dessert, dutch apple, junior
Babyfood, dessert, dutch apple, strained
Babyfood, dessert, fruit pudding, orange, strained
Babyfood, dessert, fruit pudding, pineapple, strained
Babyfood, dessert, peach cobbler, junior
Babyfood, dessert, peach cobbler, strained
Babyfood, dessert, peach melba, junior
Babyfood, dessert, peach melba, strained
Babyfood, dessert, peach yogurt
Babyfood, dessert, tropical fruit, junior
Babyfood, dinner, apples and chicken, strained
Babyfood, dinner, beef and rice, toddler
Babyfood, dinner, beef lasagna, toddler
Babyfood, dinner, beef noodle, junior
Babyfood, dinner, beef noodle, strained
Babyfood, dinner, beef with vegetables
Babyfood, dinner, broccoli and chicken, junior
Babyfood, dinner, chicken and rice
Babyfood, dinner, chicken noodle, junior
Babyfood, dinner, chicken noodle, strained
Babyfood, dinner, chicken soup, strained
Babyfood, dinner, chicken stew, toddler
Babyfood, dinner, macaroni and cheese, junior
Babyfood, dinner, macaroni and cheese, strained
Babyfood, dinner, macaroni and tomato and beef, junior
Babyfood, dinner, macaroni and tomato and beef, strained
Babyfood, dinner, macaroni, beef and tomato sauce, toddler
Babyfood, dinner, mixed vegetable, junior
Babyfood, dinner, mixed vegetable, strained
Babyfood, dinner, pasta with vegetables
Babyfood, dinner, spaghetti and tomato and meat, junior
Babyfood, dinner, spaghetti and tomato and meat, toddler
Babyfood, dinner, sweet potatoes and chicken, strained
Babyfood, dinner, turkey and rice, junior
Babyfood, dinner, turkey and rice, strained
Babyfood, dinner, turkey, rice, and vegetables, toddler
Babyfood, dinner, vegetables and beef, junior
Babyfood, dinner, vegetables and beef, strained
Babyfood, dinner, vegetables and chicken, junior
Babyfood, dinner, vegetables and dumplings and beef, junior
Babyfood, dinner, vegetables and lamb, junior
Babyfood, dinner, vegetables and noodles and turkey, junior
Babyfood, dinner, vegetables and turkey, junior
Babyfood, dinner, vegetables and turkey, strained
Babyfood, dinner, vegetables chicken, strained
Babyfood, dinner, vegetables, noodles and chicken, junior
Babyfood, dinner, vegetables, noodles and chicken, strained
Babyfood, fortified cereal bar, fruit filling
Babyfood, fruit and vegetable, apple and sweet potato
Babyfood, fruit dessert, mango with tapioca
Babyfood, fruit supreme dessert
Babyfood, fruit, apple and blueberry, junior
Babyfood, fruit, apple and blueberry, strained
Babyfood, fruit, apple and raspberry, junior
Babyfood, fruit, apple and raspberry, strained
Babyfood, fruit, applesauce and apricots, junior
Babyfood, fruit, applesauce and apricots, strained
Babyfood, fruit, applesauce and cherries, junior
Babyfood, fruit, applesauce and cherries, strained
Babyfood, fruit, applesauce and pineapple, junior
Babyfood, fruit, applesauce and pineapple, strained
Babyfood, fruit, applesauce with banana, junior
Babyfood, fruit, applesauce, junior
Babyfood, fruit, applesauce, strained
Babyfood, fruit, apricot with tapioca, junior
Babyfood, fruit, apricot with tapioca, strained
Babyfood, fruit, banana and strawberry, junior
Babyfood, fruit, bananas and pineapple with tapioca, junior
Babyfood, fruit, bananas with apples and pears, strained
Babyfood, fruit, bananas with tapioca, junior
Babyfood, fruit, bananas with tapioca, strained
Babyfood, fruit, guava and papaya with tapioca, strained
Babyfood, fruit, peaches, junior
Babyfood, fruit, peaches, strained
Babyfood, fruit, pears and pineapple, junior
Babyfood, fruit, pears and pineapple, strained
Babyfood, fruit, pears, junior
Babyfood, fruit, pears, strained
Babyfood, fruit, tutti frutti, junior
Babyfood, fruit, tutti frutti, strained
Babyfood, GERBER, 3rd Foods, apple, mango and kiwi
Babyfood, GERBER, Banana with orange medley
Babyfood, GERBER, GRADUATES Lil Biscuits Vanilla Wheat
Babyfood, grape juice, no sugar, canned
Babyfood, green beans and turkey, strained
Babyfood, green beans, dices, toddler
Babyfood, juice treats, fruit medley, toddler
Babyfood, juice, apple
Babyfood, juice, apple - cherry
Babyfood, juice, apple and grape
Babyfood, juice, apple and peach
Babyfood, juice, apple and prune
Babyfood, juice, apple-sweet potato
Babyfood, juice, apple, with calcium
Babyfood, juice, fruit punch, with calcium
Babyfood, juice, mixed fruit
Babyfood, juice, orange
Babyfood, juice, orange and apple
Babyfood, juice, orange and apple and banana
Babyfood, juice, orange and apricot
Babyfood, juice, orange and banana
Babyfood, juice, orange and pineapple
Babyfood, juice, orange-carrot
Babyfood, juice, pear
Babyfood, juice, prune and orange
Babyfood, macaroni and cheese, toddler
Babyfood, mashed cheddar potatoes and broccoli, toddlers
Babyfood, meat, beef with vegetables, toddler
Babyfood, meat, beef, junior
Babyfood, meat, beef, strained
Babyfood, meat, chicken sticks, junior
Babyfood, meat, chicken, junior
Babyfood, meat, chicken, strained
Babyfood, meat, ham, junior
Babyfood, meat, ham, strained
Babyfood, meat, lamb, junior
Babyfood, meat, lamb, strained
Babyfood, meat, meat sticks, junior
Babyfood, meat, pork, strained
Babyfood, meat, turkey sticks, junior
Babyfood, meat, turkey, junior
Babyfood, meat, turkey, strained
Babyfood, meat, veal, strained
Babyfood, mixed fruit juice with low fat yogurt
Babyfood, mixed fruit yogurt, strained
Babyfood, Multigrain whole grain cereal, dry fortified
Babyfood, peaches, dices, toddler
Babyfood, pears, dices, toddler
Babyfood, peas and brown rice
Babyfood, peas, dices, toddler
Babyfood, plums, bananas and rice, strained
Babyfood, potatoes, toddler
Babyfood, pretzels
Babyfood, prunes, without vitamin c, strained
Babyfood, ravioli, cheese filled, with tomato sauce
Babyfood, rice and apples, dry
Babyfood, tropical fruit medley
Babyfood, vegetable and brown rice, strained
Babyfood, vegetable, butternut squash and corn
Babyfood, vegetable, green beans and potatoes
Babyfood, vegetables, beets, strained
Babyfood, vegetables, carrots, junior
Babyfood, vegetables, carrots, strained
Babyfood, vegetables, corn, creamed, junior
Babyfood, vegetables, corn, creamed, strained
Babyfood, vegetables, garden vegetable, strained
Babyfood, vegetables, green beans, junior
Babyfood, vegetables, green beans, strained
Babyfood, vegetables, mix vegetables junior
Babyfood, vegetables, mix vegetables strained
Babyfood, vegetables, peas, strained
Babyfood, vegetables, spinach, creamed, strained
Babyfood, vegetables, squash, junior
Babyfood, vegetables, squash, strained
Babyfood, vegetables, sweet potatoes strained
Babyfood, vegetables, sweet potatoes, junior
Babyfood, water, bottled, GERBER, without added fluoride
Bacalaitos fritos
Bacalao guisado
Bacon and beef sticks
Bacon and tomato dressing
Bacon biscuit sandwich
Bacon bits
Bacon bits, meatless
Bacon or side pork, fresh, cooked
Bacon strip, meatless
Bacon, for use on a sandwich
Bacon, for use with vegetables
Bacon, lettuce, tomato sandwich on wheat
Bacon, lettuce, tomato sandwich on white
Bacon, meatless
Bacon, NS as to type of meat, cooked
Bacon, NS as to type of meat, reduced sodium, cooked
Bacon, pre-sliced, reduced/low sodium, unprepared
Bacon, turkey, low sodium
Bacon, turkey, microwaved
Bacon, turkey, unprepared
Bagel chips
Bagel, multigrain
Bagel, multigrain, with raisins
Bagel, oat bran
Bagel, pumpernickel
Bagel, wheat
Bagel, wheat bran
Bagel, wheat, with fruit and nuts
Bagel, wheat, with raisins
Bagel, whole grain white
Bagel, whole wheat
Bagel, whole wheat, with raisins
Bagel, with fruit other than raisins
Bagel, with raisins
Bagels, cinnamon-raisin
Bagels, cinnamon-raisin, toasted
Bagels, egg
Bagels, multigrain
Bagels, oat bran
Bagels, wheat
Bagels, whole grain white
Baked beans
Baked beans from fast food / restaurant
Baked beans, reduced sodium
Baked beans, vegetarian
Baking chocolate, mexican, squares
Baking chocolate, unsweetened, liquid
Baking chocolate, unsweetened, squares
Balsam-pear (bitter gourd), leafy tips, raw
Balsam-pear (bitter gourd), pods, raw
Bamboo shoots, canned, drained solids
Bamboo shoots, cooked
Bamboo shoots, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt
Bamboo shoots, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
Bamboo shoots, raw
Banana chips
Banana nectar
Banana pudding
Banana split
Banana, fried
Banana, raw
Bananas, dehydrated, or banana powder
Bananas, overripe, raw
Bananas, raw
Bananas, ripe and slightly ripe, raw
Bao bun
Bao bun, no meat
Baobab powder
Barbecue beef sandwich, on wheat bun
Barbecue beef sandwich, on white bun
Barbecue beef, no sauce
Barbecue beef, with sauce
Barbecue chicken
Barbecue chicken sandwich, on wheat bun
Barbecue chicken sandwich, on white bun
Barbecue loaf, pork, beef
Barbecue meat, NFS
Barbecue pork sandwich, on wheat bun
Barbecue pork sandwich, on white bun
Barbecue pork, no sauce
Barbecue pork, with sauce
Barbecue rib sandwich
Barbecue sandwich, NFS
Barbecue sauce
Barfi or Burfi, Indian dessert
Barley flour or meal
Barley malt flour
Barley soup, home recipe, canned, or ready-to-serve
Barley, hulled
Barley, pearled, cooked
Barley, pearled, raw
Basil, fresh
Basil, raw
Bean and ham soup, home recipe
Bean cake
Bean chips
Bean dip, made with refried beans
Bean paste, sweetened
Bean salad, yellow and/or green string beans
Bean soup, home recipe
Bean soup, NFS
Bean sprouts, cooked
Bean sprouts, raw
Bean with bacon or ham soup, canned or ready-to-serve
Beans and brown rice
Beans and franks
Beans and rice, from fast food / restaurant
Beans and rice, with meat
Beans and rice, with tomatoes
Beans and tomatoes, fat added
Beans and tomatoes, no added fat
Beans and white rice
Beans with meat, NS as to type
Beans, adzuki, mature seed, cooked, boiled, with salt
Beans, adzuki, mature seeds, canned, sweetened
Beans, adzuki, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
Beans, adzuki, mature seeds, raw
Beans, baked, canned, no salt added
Beans, baked, canned, plain or vegetarian
Beans, baked, canned, with beef
Beans, baked, canned, with franks
Beans, baked, canned, with pork
Beans, baked, canned, with pork and sweet sauce
Beans, baked, canned, with pork and tomato sauce
Beans, baked, home prepared
Beans, black turtle, mature seeds, canned
Beans, black turtle, mature seeds, raw
Beans, black, mature seeds, canned, low sodium
Beans, black, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
Beans, black, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
Beans, black, mature seeds, raw
Beans, chili, barbecue, ranch style, cooked
Beans, cranberry (roman), mature seeds, canned
Beans, cranberry (roman), mature seeds, raw
Beans, fava, in pod, raw
Beans, french, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
Beans, french, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
Beans, french, mature seeds, raw
Beans, from canned, NS as to type, fat added
Beans, from canned, NS as to type, no added fat
Beans, from dried, NS as to type, fat added
Beans, from dried, NS as to type, no added fat
Beans, from fast food / restaurant, NS as to type
Beans, great northern, mature seeds, canned
Beans, great northern, mature seeds, canned, low sodium
Beans, kidney, all types, mature seeds, canned
Beans, kidney, all types, mature seeds, raw
Beans, kidney, california red, mature seeds, raw
Beans, kidney, mature seeds, sprouted, raw
Beans, kidney, red, mature seeds, canned, drained solids
Beans, kidney, red, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
Beans, kidney, red, mature seeds, raw
Beans, kidney, royal red, mature seeds, raw
Beans, liquid from stewed kidney beans
Beans, mung, mature seeds, sprouted, canned, drained solids
Beans, navy, mature seeds, canned
Beans, navy, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
Beans, navy, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
Beans, navy, mature seeds, raw
Beans, navy, mature seeds, sprouted, raw
Beans, NFS
Beans, pink, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
Beans, pink, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
Beans, pink, mature seeds, raw
Beans, pinto, canned, drained solids
Beans, pinto, immature seeds, frozen, unprepared
Beans, pinto, mature seeds, canned, solids and liquids
Beans, pinto, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
Beans, pinto, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
Beans, pinto, mature seeds, sprouted, raw
Beans, shellie, canned, solids and liquids
Beans, small white, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
Beans, small white, mature seeds, raw
Beans, snap, green, canned, no salt added, drained solids
Beans, snap, green, canned, regular pack, drained solids
Beans, snap, green, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt
Beans, snap, green, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
Beans, snap, green, frozen, all styles, microwaved
Beans, snap, green, microwaved
Beans, snap, green, raw
Beans, snap, yellow, canned, no salt added, drained solids
Beans, snap, yellow, canned, regular pack, drained solids
Beans, snap, yellow, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt
Beans, snap, yellow, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
Beans, snap, yellow, frozen, all styles, unprepared
Beans, snap, yellow, raw
Beans, white, mature seeds, canned
Beans, white, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
Beans, white, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
Beans, white, mature seeds, raw
Beans, yellow, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, with salt
Beans, yellow, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt
Beans, yellow, mature seeds, raw
Beef and broccoli
Beef and macaroni with cheese sauce
Beef and noodles with cream or white sauce
Beef and noodles with gravy
Beef and noodles with mushroom sauce
Beef and noodles with soy-based sauce
Beef and noodles with tomato-based sauce
Beef and noodles, no sauce
Beef and potatoes with cheese sauce
Beef and potatoes, no sauce
Beef and rice with cheese sauce
Beef and rice with cream sauce
Beef and rice with gravy
Beef and rice with mushroom sauce
Beef and rice with soy-based sauce
Beef and rice with tomato-based sauce
Beef and rice, no sauce
Beef and vegetables, Hawaiian style
Beef as ingredient in recipes
Beef broth, without tomato, home recipe
Beef burgundy
Beef chow mein or chop suey with noodles
Beef chow mein or chop suey, no noodles
Beef curry
Beef curry with rice
Beef dinner, NFS, frozen meal
Beef egg foo yung
Beef goulash
Beef goulash with noodles
Beef jerky
Beef macaroni with tomato sauce, frozen entree, reduced fat
Beef noodle soup, canned or ready-to-serve
Beef noodle soup, home recipe
Beef Pot Pie, frozen entree, prepared
Beef salad
Beef sausage
Beef sausage with cheese
Beef sausage, reduced fat
Beef sausage, reduced sodium
Beef shish kabob with vegetables, excluding potatoes
Beef steak with onions, Puerto Rican style
Beef stew with potatoes, Puerto Rican style
Beef stew with potatoes, tomato-based sauce, Mexican style
Beef stew, canned entree
Beef stew, meat with gravy, no potatoes, Puerto Rican style
Beef stew, no potatoes, tomato-based sauce, Mexican style
Beef stroganoff
Beef stroganoff with noodles
Beef taco filling: beef, cheese, tomato, taco sauce
Beef vegetable soup, home recipe, Mexican style
Beef wellington
Beef with cream or white sauce
Beef with gravy
Beef with mushroom sauce
Beef with soy-based sauce
Beef with spaetzle or rice, vegetable, frozen meal
Beef with sweet and sour sauce
Beef with tomato-based sauce
Beef with vegetable, diet frozen meal
Beef, Australian, imported, grass-fed, external fat, raw
Beef, Australian, imported, grass-fed, seam fat, raw
Beef, bacon, cooked
Beef, bacon, reduced sodium, cooked
Beef, bologna, reduced sodium
Beef, brisket
Beef, brisket, whole, separable lean only, all grades, raw
Beef, broth, bouillon, or consomme
Beef, carcass, separable lean and fat, choice, raw
Beef, carcass, separable lean and fat, select, raw
Beef, chopped, cured, smoked
Beef, chuck for stew, separable lean and fat, choice, raw
Beef, chuck for stew, separable lean and fat, select, raw
Beef, chuck, roast, boneless, choice, raw
Beef, corned
Beef, corned beef hash, with potato, canned
Beef, cow head
Beef, cured, breakfast strips, cooked
Beef, cured, breakfast strips, raw or unheated
Beef, cured, corned beef, brisket, cooked
Beef, cured, corned beef, brisket, raw
Beef, cured, corned beef, canned
Beef, cured, dried
Beef, cured, luncheon meat, jellied
Beef, cured, pastrami
Beef, dried, chipped, cooked in fat
Beef, dried, chipped, uncooked
Beef, flank, steak, boneless, choice, raw
Beef, for use with vegetables
Beef, grass-fed, ground, raw
Beef, grass-fed, strip steaks, lean only, raw
Beef, ground
Beef, ground, 70% lean meat / 30% fat, loaf, cooked, baked
Beef, ground, 70% lean meat / 30% fat, raw
Beef, ground, 75% lean meat / 25% fat, loaf, cooked, baked
Beef, ground, 75% lean meat / 25% fat, raw
Beef, ground, 80% lean meat / 20% fat, loaf, cooked, baked
Beef, ground, 80% lean meat / 20% fat, raw
Beef, ground, 85% lean meat / 15% fat, loaf, cooked, baked
Beef, ground, 90% lean meat / 10% fat, loaf, cooked, baked
Beef, ground, 90% lean meat / 10% fat, raw
Beef, ground, 93% lean meat / 7% fat, loaf, cooked, baked
Beef, ground, 93% lean meat / 7% fat, raw
Beef, ground, 95% lean meat / 5% fat, loaf, cooked, baked
Beef, ground, 95% lean meat / 5% fat, raw
Beef, ground, 97% lean meat / 3% fat, loaf, cooked, baked
Beef, ground, 97% lean meat / 3% fat, raw
Beef, ground, patties, frozen, cooked, broiled
Beef, ground, patty
Beef, ground, raw
Beef, ground, unspecified fat content, cooked
Beef, ground, with egg and onion
Beef, neck bones
Beef, New Zealand, imported, flat, separable lean only, raw
Beef, New Zealand, imported, inside, raw
Beef, New Zealand, imported, intermuscular fat, cooked
Beef, New Zealand, imported, intermuscular fat, raw
Beef, New Zealand, imported, knuckle, cooked, fast fried
Beef, New Zealand, imported, manufacturing beef, raw
Beef, New Zealand, imported, ribs prepared, raw
Beef, New Zealand, imported, subcutaneous fat, cooked
Beef, New Zealand, imported, subcutaneous fat, raw
Beef, New Zealand, imported, sweetbread, cooked, boiled
Beef, New Zealand, imported, sweetbread, raw
Beef, NFS
Beef, oxtails
Beef, pot roast
Beef, prepackaged or deli, luncheon meat
Beef, prepackaged or deli, luncheon meat, reduced sodium
Beef, retail cuts, separable fat, cooked
Beef, retail cuts, separable fat, raw
Beef, rib, shortribs, separable lean and fat, choice, raw
Beef, rib, shortribs, separable lean only, choice, raw
Beef, ribeye, steak, boneless, choice, raw
Beef, roast
Beef, roast, hash
Beef, round, top round, boneless, choice, raw
Beef, sandwich steak
Beef, shortribs
Beef, sliced, with gravy, potatoes, vegetable, frozen meal
Beef, steak, chuck
Beef, steak, country fried
Beef, steak, cube
Beef, steak, flank
Beef, steak, NFS
Beef, steak, ribeye, lean and fat eaten
Beef, steak, ribeye, lean only eaten
Beef, steak, ribeye, NS as to fat eaten
Beef, steak, round
Beef, steak, sirloin, lean and fat eaten
Beef, steak, sirloin, lean only eaten
Beef, steak, sirloin, NS as to fat eaten
Beef, steak, strip, lean and fat eaten
Beef, steak, strip, lean only eaten
Beef, steak, strip, NS as to fat eaten
Beef, steak, T-bone, lean and fat eaten
Beef, steak, T-bone, lean only eaten
Beef, steak, T-bone, NS as to fat eaten
Beef, steak, tenderloin
Beef, stew meat
Beef, variety meats and by-products, brain, raw
Beef, variety meats and by-products, heart, raw
Beef, variety meats and by-products, kidneys, raw
Beef, variety meats and by-products, liver, cooked, braised
Beef, variety meats and by-products, liver, raw
Beef, variety meats and by-products, lungs, cooked, braised
Beef, variety meats and by-products, lungs, raw
Beef, variety meats and by-products, pancreas, raw
Beef, variety meats and by-products, spleen, raw
Beef, variety meats and by-products, suet, raw
Beef, variety meats and by-products, thymus, raw
Beef, variety meats and by-products, tongue, raw
Beef, variety meats and by-products, tripe, raw
Beer, higher alcohol
Beer, light
Beer, low carb
Beerwurst, beer salami, pork
Beerwurst, beer salami, pork and beef
Beerwurst, pork and beef
Beet greens, cooked
Beet greens, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt
Beet greens, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
Beet greens, raw
Beet juice
Beets, canned, cooked, fat added
Beets, canned, cooked, no added fat
Beets, canned, drained solids
Beets, canned, no salt added, solids and liquids
Beets, canned, reduced sodium, cooked
Beets, canned, regular pack, solids and liquids
Beets, cooked, boiled, drained
Beets, cooked, boiled. drained, with salt
Beets, fresh, cooked, fat added
Beets, fresh, cooked, no added fat
Beets, harvard, canned, solids and liquids
Beets, NS as to form, cooked
Beets, pickled
Beets, pickled, canned, solids and liquids
Beets, raw
Berries, NFS
Beverages, Energy drink, Citrus
Beverages, ABBOTT, EAS soy protein powder
Beverages, ABBOTT, EAS whey protein powder
Beverages, ABBOTT, ENSURE PLUS, ready-to-drink
Beverages, Acai berry drink, fortified
Beverages, almond milk, chocolate, ready-to-drink
Beverages, almond milk, unsweetened, shelf stable
Beverages, aloe vera juice drink, fortified with Vitamin C
Beverages, AMBER, hard cider
Beverages, ARIZONA, tea, ready-to-drink, lemon
Beverages, carbonated, club soda
Beverages, carbonated, cola, fast-food cola
Beverages, carbonated, cola, regular
Beverages, carbonated, cola, without caffeine
Beverages, carbonated, ginger ale
Beverages, carbonated, grape soda
Beverages, carbonated, lemon-lime soda, no caffeine
Beverages, carbonated, limeade, high caffeine
Beverages, carbonated, orange
Beverages, carbonated, pepper-type, contains caffeine
Beverages, carbonated, root beer
Beverages, carbonated, SPRITE, lemon-lime, without caffeine
Beverages, carbonated, tonic water
Beverages, Carob-flavor beverage mix, powder
Beverages, chocolate powder, no sugar added
Beverages, chocolate syrup
Beverages, chocolate syrup, prepared with whole milk
Beverages, Chocolate-flavored drink, whey and milk based
Beverages, citrus fruit juice drink, frozen concentrate
Beverages, Clam and tomato juice, canned
Beverages, Cocoa mix, no sugar added, powder
Beverages, Cocoa mix, powder
Beverages, Cocoa mix, powder, prepared with water
Beverages, Coconut water, ready-to-drink, unsweetened
Beverages, coffee substitute, cereal grain beverage, powder
Beverages, coffee, brewed, breakfast blend
Beverages, coffee, brewed, espresso, restaurant-prepared
Beverages, coffee, brewed, prepared with tap water
Beverages, coffee, instant, chicory
Beverages, coffee, instant, decaffeinated, powder
Beverages, coffee, instant, mocha, sweetened
Beverages, coffee, instant, regular, half the caffeine
Beverages, coffee, instant, regular, powder
Beverages, coffee, instant, regular, prepared with water
Beverages, coffee, instant, with chicory
Beverages, coffee, instant, with whitener, reduced calorie
Beverages, coffee, ready to drink, iced, mocha, milk based
Beverages, coffee, ready to drink, milk based, sweetened
Beverages, Cranberry juice cocktail
Beverages, cranberry-apple juice drink, bottled
Beverages, cranberry-apricot juice drink, bottled
Beverages, cranberry-grape juice drink, bottled
Beverages, CYTOSPORT, Muscle Milk, ready-to-drink
Beverages, Energy drink, AMP
Beverages, Energy drink, AMP, sugar free
Beverages, Energy drink, FULL THROTTLE
Beverages, Energy drink, RED BULL
Beverages, Energy drink, ROCKSTAR
Beverages, Energy drink, ROCKSTAR, sugar free
Beverages, Energy Drink, sugar free
Beverages, Energy drink, VAULT, citrus flavor
Beverages, Fruit punch drink, frozen concentrate
Beverages, Fruit punch drink, with added nutrients, canned
Beverages, fruit punch juice drink, frozen concentrate
Beverages, grape drink, canned
Beverages, grape juice drink, canned
Beverages, Horchata, as served in restaurant
Beverages, Kiwi Strawberry Juice Drink
Beverages, lemonade-flavor drink, powder
Beverages, Lemonade, powder
Beverages, LIPTON BRISK, tea, black, ready-to-drink, lemon
Beverages, Malt liquor beverage
Beverages, malted drink mix, chocolate, powder
Beverages, Malted drink mix, natural, powder, dairy based.
Beverages, Meal supplement drink, canned, peanut flavor
Beverages, MINUTE MAID, Lemonada, Limeade
Beverages, MONSTER energy drink, low carb
Beverages, NESTEA, tea, black, ready-to-drink, lemon
Beverages, nutritional shake mix, high protein, powder
Beverages, OCEAN SPRAY, Cran Cherry
Beverages, OCEAN SPRAY, Cran Grape
Beverages, OCEAN SPRAY, Cran Lemonade
Beverages, OCEAN SPRAY, Cran Pomegranate
Beverages, OCEAN SPRAY, Cran Raspberry Juice Drink
Beverages, OCEAN SPRAY, Diet Cran Cherry
Beverages, OCEAN SPRAY, Diet Cranberry Juice
Beverages, OCEAN SPRAY, Light Cranberry
Beverages, OCEAN SPRAY, Light Cranberry, Concord Grape
Beverages, OCEAN SPRAY, Ruby Red cranberry
Beverages, OCEAN SPRAY, White Cranberry Peach
Beverages, orange and apricot juice drink, canned
Beverages, orange drink, canned, with added vitamin C
Beverages, Orange juice drink
Beverages, Orange juice, light, No pulp
Beverages, orange-flavor drink, breakfast type, powder
Beverages, OVALTINE, chocolate malt powder
Beverages, OVALTINE, Classic Malt powder
Beverages, PEPSICO QUAKER, Gatorade G2, low calorie
Beverages, pineapple and grapefruit juice drink, canned
Beverages, pineapple and orange juice drink, canned
Beverages, POWERADE, Zero, Mixed Berry
Beverages, Propel Zero, fruit-flavored, non-carbonated
Beverages, Protein powder soy based
Beverages, Protein powder whey based
Beverages, rice milk, unsweetened
Beverages, rich chocolate, powder
Beverages, shake, fast food, strawberry
Beverages, tea, black, brewed, prepared with tap water
Beverages, tea, black, ready to drink
Beverages, tea, black, ready to drink, decaffeinated
Beverages, tea, black, ready to drink, decaffeinated, diet
Beverages, tea, black, ready-to-drink, lemon, diet
Beverages, tea, black, ready-to-drink, lemon, sweetened
Beverages, tea, black, ready-to-drink, peach, diet
Beverages, tea, green, brewed, decaffeinated
Beverages, tea, green, brewed, regular
Beverages, tea, green, ready to drink, unsweetened
Beverages, tea, green, ready-to-drink, diet
Beverages, tea, green, ready-to-drink, sweetened
Beverages, tea, herb, brewed, chamomile
Beverages, tea, herb, other than chamomile, brewed
Beverages, tea, hibiscus, brewed
Beverages, tea, instant, decaffeinated, lemon, diet
Beverages, tea, instant, decaffeinated, lemon, sweetened
Beverages, tea, instant, decaffeinated, unsweetened
Beverages, tea, instant, lemon, diet
Beverages, tea, instant, lemon, sweetened, powder
Beverages, tea, instant, lemon, unsweetened
Beverages, tea, instant, lemon, with added ascorbic acid
Beverages, tea, instant, unsweetened, powder
Beverages, tea, instant, unsweetened, prepared with water
Beverages, tea, Oolong, brewed
Beverages, tea, ready-to-drink, lemon, diet
Beverages, The COCA-COLA company, Hi-C Flashin' Fruit Punch
Beverages, The COCA-COLA company, Minute Maid, Lemonade
Beverages, Tropical Punch, ready-to-drink
Beverages, UNILEVER, SLIMFAST Shake Mix, powder, 3-2-1 Plan
Beverages, V8 SPLASH Smoothies, Peach Mango
Beverages, V8 SPLASH Smoothies, Strawberry Banana
Beverages, V8 SPLASH Smoothies, Tropical Colada
Beverages, V8 V- FUSION Juices, Acai Berry
Beverages, V8 V-FUSION Juices, Peach Mango
Beverages, V8 V-FUSION Juices, Strawberry Banana
Beverages, V8 V-FUSION Juices, Tropical
Beverages, water, bottled, PERRIER
Beverages, water, bottled, POLAND SPRING
Beverages, water, tap, drinking
Beverages, water, tap, municipal
Beverages, WENDY'S, tea, ready-to-drink, unsweetened
Beverages, Whey protein powder isolate
Beverages, Whiskey sour mix, bottled
Beverages, Whiskey sour mix, powder
Beverages, Wine, non-alcoholic
Beverages, ZEVIA, cola
Beverages, ZEVIA, cola, caffeine free
Bibimbap, Korean
Big Mac (McDonalds)
Biryani with chicken
Biryani with meat
Biryani with vegetables
Biscayne codfish, Puerto Rican style
Biscuit with fruit
Biscuit with gravy
Biscuit, cheese
Biscuit, from fast food / restaurant
Biscuit, from refrigerated dough
Biscuit, home recipe
Biscuit, NFS
Biscuit, wheat
Biscuits, mixed grain, refrigerated dough
Biscuits, plain or buttermilk, dry mix
Biscuits, plain or buttermilk, dry mix, prepared
Biscuits, plain or buttermilk, frozen, baked
Biscuits, plain or buttermilk, prepared from recipe
Bison, ground, grass-fed, cooked
Bison, ground, grass-fed, raw
Bitter melon, cooked
Bitter melon, horseradish, jute, or radish leaves, cooked
Black bean salad
Black bean sauce
Black bean soup, home recipe, canned or ready-to-serve
Black beans and brown rice
Black beans and rice, from fast food / restaurant
Black beans and white rice
Black beans with meat
Black beans, from canned, fat added
Black beans, from canned, no added fat
Black beans, from canned, reduced sodium
Black beans, from dried, fat added
Black beans, from dried, no added fat
Black beans, from fast food / restaurant
Black beans, NFS
Black Russian
Blackberries, canned, heavy syrup, solids and liquids
Blackberries, frozen
Blackberries, frozen, unsweetened
Blackberries, raw
Blackberries, wild, raw (Alaska Native)
Blackberry juice, 100%
Blackberry juice, canned
Blackeyed peas, from canned
Blackeyed peas, from dried
Blackeyed peas, from frozen
Blackeyed peas, NFS
Blood sausage
Bloody Mary
Bluberries, canned
Blue or roquefort cheese dressing
Blue or roquefort cheese dressing, fat free
Blue or roquefort cheese dressing, light
Blueberries, canned, heavy syrup, solids and liquids
Blueberries, canned, light syrup, drained
Blueberries, dried
Blueberries, dried, sweetened
Blueberries, frozen
Blueberries, frozen, sweetened
Blueberries, raw
Blueberries, wild, canned, heavy syrup, drained
Blueberries, wild, raw (Alaska Native)
Blueberry juice
Blueberry pie filling
Blueberry syrup
Bockwurst, pork, veal, raw
Bologna sandwich on wheat
Bologna sandwich on wheat, with cheese
Bologna sandwich on white
Bologna sandwich on white, with cheese
Bologna, beef
Bologna, beef and pork
Bologna, beef and pork, low fat
Bologna, beef, low fat
Bologna, chicken, pork
Bologna, chicken, pork, beef
Bologna, chicken, turkey, pork
Bologna, meat and poultry
Bologna, pork
Bologna, pork and turkey, lite
Bologna, pork, turkey and beef
Bologna, reduced fat
Bologna, reduced sodium
Bologna, turkey
Borage, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt
Borage, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
Borage, raw
Boysenberries, canned, heavy syrup
Boysenberries, frozen, unsweetened
Brandy and cola
Bratwurst, beef and pork, smoked
Bratwurst, chicken, cooked
Bratwurst, pork, beef and turkey, lite, smoked
Bratwurst, pork, beef, link
Bratwurst, pork, cooked
Bratwurst, veal, cooked
Bratwurst, with cheese
Braunschweiger (a liver sausage), pork
Brazil nuts
Bread stuffing
Bread stuffing made with egg
Bread, banana, prepared from recipe, made with margarine
Bread, barley
Bread, barley, toasted
Bread, black
Bread, black, toasted
Bread, blue corn, somiviki (Hopi)
Bread, Boston Brown
Bread, boston brown, canned
Bread, caressed, Puerto Rican style
Bread, caressed, toasted, Puerto Rican style
Bread, chapati or roti, plain, commercially prepared
Bread, chappatti or roti
Bread, cheese
Bread, cheese, toasted
Bread, cinnamon
Bread, cinnamon, toasted
Bread, cornmeal and molasses
Bread, cornmeal and molasses, toasted
Bread, cracked-wheat
Bread, crumbs, dry, grated, plain
Bread, crumbs, dry, grated, seasoned
Bread, Cuban
Bread, Cuban, toasted
Bread, dough, fried
Bread, egg
Bread, egg, Challah
Bread, egg, Challah, toasted
Bread, egg, toasted
Bread, French or Vienna
Bread, french or vienna (includes sourdough)
Bread, French or Vienna, toasted
Bread, french or vienna, toasted (includes sourdough)
Bread, french or vienna, whole wheat
Bread, French or Vienna, whole wheat, toasted
Bread, fruit
Bread, gluten free
Bread, gluten free, toasted
Bread, high protein
Bread, high protein, toasted
Bread, Irish soda
Bread, irish soda, prepared from recipe
Bread, Italian
Bread, Italian, Grecian, Armenian
Bread, Italian, Grecian, Armenian, toasted
Bread, kneel down (Navajo)
Bread, lard, Puerto Rican style
Bread, lard, toasted, Puerto Rican style
Bread, marble rye and pumpernickel
Bread, marble rye and pumpernickel, toasted
Bread, multi-grain (includes whole-grain)
Bread, multi-grain, toasted (includes whole-grain)
Bread, multigrain
Bread, multigrain, reduced calorie and/or high fiber
Bread, multigrain, toasted
Bread, multigrain, with raisins
Bread, multigrain, with raisins, toasted
Bread, naan
Bread, naan, plain, commercially prepared, refrigerated
Bread, native, water, Puerto Rican style
Bread, native, water, toasted, Puerto Rican style
Bread, NS as to major flour
Bread, NS as to major flour, toasted
Bread, nut
Bread, oat bran
Bread, oat bran, toasted
Bread, oatmeal
Bread, oatmeal, toasted
Bread, onion
Bread, onion, toasted
Bread, pan dulce, sweet yeast bread
Bread, paratha
Bread, paratha, whole wheat, commercially prepared, frozen
Bread, pita
Bread, pita with fruit
Bread, pita, wheat or cracked wheat
Bread, pita, white, enriched
Bread, pita, white, unenriched
Bread, pita, whole wheat
Bread, pita, whole-wheat
Bread, potato
Bread, potato, toasted
Bread, pound cake type, pan de torta salvadoran
Bread, protein (includes gluten)
Bread, protein, (includes gluten), toasted
Bread, pumpernickel
Bread, pumpernickel, toasted
Bread, pumpkin
Bread, puri
Bread, raisin
Bread, raisin, enriched
Bread, raisin, enriched, toasted
Bread, raisin, toasted
Bread, raisin, unenriched
Bread, reduced calorie and/or high fiber, white or NFS
Bread, reduced-calorie, oat bran
Bread, reduced-calorie, oat bran, toasted
Bread, reduced-calorie, oatmeal
Bread, reduced-calorie, rye
Bread, reduced-calorie, wheat
Bread, reduced-calorie, white
Bread, rice
Bread, rice bran
Bread, rice bran, toasted
Bread, rice, toasted
Bread, roll, Mexican, bollilo
Bread, rye
Bread, rye, toasted
Bread, salvadoran sweet cheese (quesadilla salvadorena)
Bread, sour dough
Bread, sour dough, toasted
Bread, soy
Bread, soy, toasted
Bread, Spanish coffee
Bread, sprouted wheat
Bread, sprouted wheat, toasted
Bread, sticks, plain
Bread, stuffing, cornbread, dry mix
Bread, stuffing, cornbread, dry mix, prepared
Bread, stuffing, dry mix
Bread, stuffing, dry mix, prepared
Bread, sunflower meal
Bread, sunflower meal, toasted
Bread, sweet potato
Bread, sweet potato, toasted
Bread, vegetable
Bread, vegetable, toasted
Bread, wheat
Bread, wheat or cracked wheat
Bread, wheat or cracked wheat, toasted
Bread, wheat or cracked wheat, with raisins
Bread, wheat or cracked wheat, with raisins, toasted
Bread, wheat, sprouted
Bread, wheat, sprouted, toasted
Bread, wheat, toasted
Bread, white
Bread, white wheat
Bread, white with whole wheat swirl
Bread, white with whole wheat swirl, toasted
Bread, white, commercially prepared
Bread, white, commercially prepared, low sodium, no salt
Bread, white, commercially prepared, toasted
Bread, white, low sodium or no salt
Bread, white, low sodium or no salt, toasted
Bread, white, special formula, added fiber
Bread, white, special formula, added fiber, toasted
Bread, white, toasted
Bread, whole grain white
Bread, whole grain white, toasted
Bread, whole wheat
Bread, whole wheat, toasted
Bread, whole wheat, with raisins
Bread, whole wheat, with raisins, toasted
Bread, whole-wheat, commercially prepared
Bread, whole-wheat, commercially prepared, toasted
Bread, whole-wheat, prepared from recipe
Bread, whole-wheat, prepared from recipe, toasted
Bread, zucchini
Breadfruit, cooked
Breadfruit, raw
Breading or batter as ingredient in food
Breadsticks, hard, gluten free
Breadsticks, hard, NFS
Breadsticks, hard, reduced sodium
Breadsticks, hard, whole wheat
Breadsticks, NFS
Breadsticks, soft, fast food / restaurant
Breadsticks, soft, frozen
Breadsticks, soft, NFS
Breadsticks, soft, stuffed or topped with melted cheese
Breakfast bar, cereal crust with fruit filling, lowfat
Breakfast bar, corn flake crust with fruit
Breakfast bar, date, with yogurt coating
Breakfast bar, NFS
Breakfast link, pattie, or slice, meatless
Breakfast meat as ingredient in omelet
Breakfast pastry, NFS
Breakfast pizza with egg
Breakfast tart
Breakfast tart, lowfat
Broadbeans (fava beans), mature seeds, canned
Broadbeans (fava beans), mature seeds, raw
Broadbeans, immature seeds, raw
Broccoflower, cooked
Broccoflower, raw
Broccoli and cauliflower, cooked, fat added
Broccoli and cauliflower, cooked, no added fat
Broccoli casserole with noodles
Broccoli casserole with rice
Broccoli raab, cooked
Broccoli raab, raw
Broccoli slaw salad
Broccoli, cauliflower and carrots, cooked, fat added
Broccoli, cauliflower and carrots, cooked, no added fat
Broccoli, chinese, cooked
Broccoli, chinese, raw
Broccoli, cooked, as ingredient
Broccoli, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt
Broccoli, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
Broccoli, cooked, from restaurant
Broccoli, flower clusters, raw
Broccoli, fresh, cooked with butter or margarine
Broccoli, fresh, cooked with oil
Broccoli, fresh, cooked, fat added, NS as to fat type
Broccoli, fresh, cooked, no added fat
Broccoli, frozen, chopped, unprepared
Broccoli, frozen, cooked with butter or margarine
Broccoli, frozen, cooked with oil
Broccoli, frozen, cooked, fat added, NS as to fat type
Broccoli, frozen, cooked, no added fat
Broccoli, leaves, raw
Broccoli, NS as to form, cooked
Broccoli, raw
Broccoli, stalks, raw
Brussels sprouts, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt
Brussels sprouts, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
Brussels sprouts, fresh, cooked, fat added
Brussels sprouts, fresh, cooked, no added fat
Brussels sprouts, frozen, cooked, fat added
Brussels sprouts, frozen, cooked, no added fat
Brussels sprouts, frozen, unprepared
Brussels sprouts, NS as to form, cooked
Brussels sprouts, raw
Buckwheat flour, whole-groat
Buckwheat groats
Buckwheat groats, roasted, cooked
Buckwheat groats, roasted, dry
Buckwheat, whole grain
Buffalo sauce
Bulgur, cooked
Bulgur, dry
Bulgur, fat added
Bulgur, no added fat
Bulgur, NS as to fat
Burdock root, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt
Burdock root, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
Burdock root, raw
Burdock, cooked
BURGER KING, Cheeseburger
BURGER KING, Chicken Strips
BURGER KING, CROISSAN'WICH with Sausage and Cheese
BURGER KING, CROISSAN'WICH with Sausage, Egg and Cheese
BURGER KING, Double Cheeseburger
BURGER KING, french fries
BURGER KING, french toast sticks
BURGER KING, Hamburger
BURGER KING, Hash Brown Rounds
BURGER KING, Onion Rings
BURGER KING, Original Chicken Sandwich
BURGER KING, Premium Fish Sandwich
BURGER KING, Vanilla Shake
Burrito bowl, beef or pork
Burrito bowl, beef or pork, with beans
Burrito bowl, beef or pork, with beans and rice
Burrito bowl, beef or pork, with rice
Burrito bowl, chicken
Burrito bowl, chicken, with beans
Burrito bowl, chicken, with beans and rice
Burrito bowl, chicken, with rice
Burrito bowl, NFS
Burrito bowl, with beans
Burrito, bean and cheese, frozen
Burrito, beef and bean, frozen
Burrito, beef and bean, microwaved
Burrito, beef, cheese
Burrito, beef, with beans and rice, cheese
Burrito, beef, with beans, cheese
Burrito, beef, with rice, cheese
Burrito, cheese only
Burrito, chicken, cheese
Burrito, chicken, with beans and rice, cheese
Burrito, chicken, with beans, cheese
Burrito, chicken, with rice, cheese
Burrito, meat, no cheese
Burrito, meat, with beans and rice, no cheese
Burrito, meat, with beans, no cheese
Burrito, meat, with rice, no cheese
Burrito, NFS
Burrito, pork, cheese
Burrito, pork, with beans and rice, cheese
Burrito, pork, with beans, cheese
Burrito, pork, with rice, cheese
Burrito, with beans and rice, cheese
Burrito, with beans, cheese
Burrito, with beans, no cheese
Butter oil, anhydrous
Butter replacement, liquid
Butter replacement, powder
Butter replacement, without fat, powder
Butter-oil blend, light
Butter-oil blend, NFS
Butter-oil blend, stick
Butter-oil blend, tub
Butter, light
Butter, light, stick, with salt
Butter, light, stick, without salt
Butter, NFS
Butter, salted
Butter, stick
Butter, stick, salted
Butter, tub
Butter, whipped, with salt
Butter, without salt
Butterbur, (fuki), raw
Butterbur, canned
Butterbur, cooked, boiled, drained, with salt
Butterbur, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
Buttermilk, fat free (skim)
Buttermilk, low fat
Buttermilk, whole